Hourly Care

At Saint Aims Care and Support Ltd, our Hourly Care services involves providing support and assistance to individuals on an hourly basis, typically tailored to their specific needs and preferences. Here are key aspects and considerations regarding hourly care in domiciliary settings:

Hourly Domiciliary Care Services Offered:
* Flexible Schedule: Care provided based on scheduled hourly visits, accommodating the client’s preferred timing and duration.
* Personal Care Assistance: Assistance with daily living activities such as bathing, grooming, dressing, and toileting.
* Medication Reminders: Prompting and ensuring adherence to prescribed medication schedules.
* Mobility Support: Help with moving around, transfers, exercises, and assistance with mobility aids.
* Meal Preparation: Planning and preparing nutritious meals according to dietary needs.
* Light Housekeeping: Assistance with light chores, keeping the living space clean and organized.
* Companionship: Engaging in conversation, providing social interaction, and emotional support.

Specialized Care Considerations:
Hourly domiciliary care can be adapted to accommodate specific needs, including:
* Recovery Support: Post-surgery or hospitalization care requiring short-term assistance.
* Chronic Condition Management: Ongoing support for individuals with chronic illnesses or disabilities.
* Respite Care: Providing relief for family caregivers by taking care of the individual for short durations.

Benefits of Hourly Domiciliary Care:
* Customized Schedule: Flexibility in scheduling care according to the client’s needs and preferences.
* Tailored Support: Personalized care plans focusing on specific requirements during scheduled visits.
* Cost-Effectiveness: Allows individuals to receive necessary care without requiring full-time assistance.
* Promotes Independence: Encourages autonomy while providing assistance as needed during scheduled times.
* Comprehensive Support: Addresses specific needs, ensuring a safe and comfortable environment during hourly visits.

Considerations for Hourly Domiciliary Care:
* Care Plan Customization: Creating flexible care plans to address specific needs during each hourly visit.
* Caregiver Competency: Ensuring caregivers are trained and competent to provide necessary support during scheduled visits.
* Coordination with Family/Client: Communicating effectively with family members or the client to understand evolving needs and preferences.
* Safety Measures: Ensuring the home environment is safe and accessible during scheduled care visits.

Hourly domiciliary care offers a flexible and tailored approach, providing support based on the specific needs and schedules of individuals. It aims to assist individuals in maintaining their independence and receiving necessary support during specific hours, promoting comfort and well-being within their homes.

Enquire about Home HourlyCare





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